Formatting a date as text
-- Module loading code (http://applemods.sourceforge.net)
property _Loader : AppleMods Loader -- Used to locate and load modules.
property _Strftime : missing value
on __load__(moduleLoader)
tell moduleLoader
set _Strftime to loadModule("Strftime")
end tell
end __load__
property _ : _Loader's initscript(me) -- Bind modules at compile-time.
_Strftime's |strftime|(current date, "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S")
Sorting a list of artists from iTunes
-- Module loading code (http://applemods.sourceforge.net)
property _Loader : AppleMods Loader -- Used to locate and load modules.
property _List : missing value
on __load__(ModuleLoader)
tell ModuleLoader
set _List to loadModule("List")
end tell
end __load__
property _ : _Loader's initscript(me) -- Bind modules at compile-time.
tell application "iTunes"
set artistNames to artist of every track of library playlist 1
end tell
set artistNames to _List's |sortlist|(artistNames)
set artistNames to _List's removeDuplicates(artistNames)
if artistNames begins with {""} then set artistNames to rest of artistNames
return artistNames